Monsieur Lambert (Jean-Jacques Sempe)

"We picked up the threads of our lives again. Lambert said little, but we knew our friendship did him good. Because with men, it's friendship that counts. Friendship matters more than anything. As everyone knows, all life's troubles are caused by women." (page 51)

"There's one thing we've always been passionate about: football. We all used to play. We thought nothing of women compared to football. And we still don't. When compared with football, women meant nothing. They still don't." (page 55)

"Footbal has always been our life. It's the team spirits that matters (women don't know nothing about team spirit). Football is eleven good mates who enjoy getting together for a game." (page 56)

From Monsieur Lambert, a graphic novel written by Jean-Jacques Sempe about what happens in a cafe bistro every day, about how a character named Lambert one day did not show up for his regular lunch one day that got his friends and table mates wondering what had happened to him.

It clearly is a story reflecting how the middle aged men begins to think of women and how they think women certainly don't match up in importance compared with their interests. There are also recollections when in their youthful days, women meant the world to them, when they were quite mad about it and spent many stories in recollecting delights about their history and their ladies.

It is a warm story about conversations over lunch about football, women and politics, the three concerns of all men, universally.

The book begins with a picture of the menu that they have at the cafe with the price list. ANd also noted through out the book is the change in specials everyday and how the men looked forward to some days while some days they just don't bother to enjoy them.

These sort of books, in my opinion, should get way more acclaim than all those stupid bullshit superhero comics (excuse the word there). It's sniffed out of real life and still entertaining (if you ask).