What is the answer?


Humans create consequences. We can't help it. We can call it "impact", we can call it "legacy", we can call it anything to dress it down. But everything we do on earth creates consequences. We cannot be alive and live on earth without leaving footprints behind. There is no escaping it.

But when we have humility, when we remind ourselves that we are humans, flawed and wonderful because we are, then we don't claim things that are reserved only for God... then we admit the reality of the dust and chaos we leave behind in our wake and allow other people to correct us when we have wronged others, and wronged ourselves. Then we can admit we can always do better. 

Yes, we must fight the best way that we can to leave a great legacy - but we will also leave a mess behind, and we cannot spend our lives airbrushing our footprints we leave just because we are so insecure of who we are. 

We are humans.