A chip on my shoulder

Back in 2008, when I was a starry eyed design student and fresh off the boat in New Zealand, excited about new potential and possibilities, I walked into a comic book store in town in Christchurch. It was quite a dark and dingy space and as I browsed around, I picked up a conversation with the guy who was looking after the shop.

I told him that I was writing a comic book and wondered if I had a chance of making a living writing and drawing comics. I remember him giving me a straightforward no, it won't happen. I would never make enough money by doing just that.

My journey secretly has been to prove him wrong, that some things are more possible than not. That if that was how I would find a way to make a living, then I would. 

In a sense it has been a chip on my shoulder. I didn't like that this grumpy middle aged man didn't think I had anything in me to shoot me down when at best, I was trying to get some encouragement and motivation to do well and work hard for the things that mattered to me.