They Will Overcome

My dad is a Pastor at Shillong Baptist Church, and sometimes he sends me his messages that he has prepared so I can edit them and correct his grammar and sentence structuring (and all that..). Here is a paragraph I stole from his preparation for tomorrow:

Last week some of the Tyrannus boys and I went for an exposure trip to Agra and Vanarasi, we attended one EU camp where there were a number of new believers. We met a young man from Nepal, who was from a royal family studying engineering in Banaras Hindu University. He had just become a Christian and he clearly knew the consequences of it, but he is committed to follow Jesus - no matter what. There was also another girl from Bihar who was studying fine arts who said that she will be disowned by her parents if they come to know that she has become a Christian, but she is determined to follow Jesus. There was yet another young man from Assam who is faithfully following Jesus, he also told me that his parents will stop supporting him the day they come to know that he is a Christian. He told me that he wants to take baptism and become a member of SBC.
I have invited him to visit SBC and also meet CBCNEI people in Guwahati when he comes home during summer vacation.

It is a big question whether SBC or any one of us would be able to extend any help to such new believers. They are genuine in their commitment, even at the risk of losing their career, their family members and their future, all for the sake of following Jesus. What can you and I do for people like them?

They are facing lots of difficulty because of their faith in Jesus; humanly speaking their lives are in danger. But I have told them, and I want to tell you also that they are going to be the winners- never will be losers.

They will overcome - because of Jesus.